Ainingaule Tribe Thanks GNUT via MMRE for Silolo Hydro Project Engagement

Maluu, North Malaita-Leader of Ainigaule tribe in Ward 9, North Malaita that are owner of the tribal land that host Siloloriver that has connections to the Hyrdo project had acknowledge Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) through the Ministry of Mines and Rural Electrification (MMER) for hosting a successful tribal meeting with the members of the Ainingaule and neiboring tribes today at Silolo, North Malaita.
Speaking to Malaita Issue on behave of the tribes and members of the from North Malaita, we are really happy to receive the team from MMRE. It has been a while since MMRE and JICA had last visited the tribe and involved in activities related to this potential hydro project.
Therefore, we would like to acknowledge MMRE team for making bold step for to visit so that we would resume the discussion pertaining this project. The visit today reflectsGNUT commitment to pursue rural electrification program using sustainable energy source which is hydro.
In meeting the members of Ainingaule and neibouring tribe who attend the meeting, the representative of the visiting team said, the visit is a response to tribe’s request by seeking the Government and potential development parnters to resume pursuing Silolo Hydro project through MMRE, and relevant government institution, which its role is directly relate to GNUTs policy and need to develop energy sector in the country. So, the purpose of the visit is to verify some of the basic but key information and records showing tribal preparation and past involvement in the proposed hydro project.
Speaking on behave of the tribe regarding the outcome of the meeting, Joshua L Iroi said, the meeting is successful. The presentation from MMRE team is straight forward and insightful. Through this meeting we are now able to slowly understand approach that government is taking when it comes to development and the vision of GNUT for energy sector development.
While waiting for next activities, Mr Joshua Iroi and Mr AlickKitalo call upon all the tribal members and the subtribes, whether you have patrilineal and matrilineal connection, and members from the neiboring tribes to come forward, work together and support Ainingaule tribe so that we achieved this project for all of us. If this project is successful in the long-run, all of us will going to benefit from it both directly and indirectly. Therefore, let us not fail this project for good cause of rural economic development that we have been waiting for it for so long. If there is anything that anyone that has connection to the water catchment area need to discuss, let us come together and discuss for our common good. Feel free to reach out to our contacts given below.
Silolo hydro is a twenty-five (25) years last surveyed by Technical Team from JICA. Ten (10) years ago Malaita Provincial Government, Ministry of Mines and Energy and Tribe signed the Development Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Since then, we haven’t seen any active engagement from the Government both national and province regarding this important project until today.
The member of the tribe encourages stakeholders and potential partners to reach out to the representative of the tribe through North Malaita Constituency Office and Ward 9 leadership or contact the tribal leader on the phone; 677-7639781/7611210 or email: [email protected] to discuss matters relate to development of this project.
Tribal leaders continue to call upon land owning groups in Malaita to sort out differences and invite government and partners to develop Malaita. In acknowledging the MMRE team, the tribal leader, call upon the GNUT and stakeholdersto continue from here and develop this strategic project for growth of Solomon Islands as an economy.

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