President Malaita Council of Chief (Mr Knoxley Atu: New Year (2025) Message and call on Malaitans to vigilant, Unite and work hard

President of Malaita council of chief Mr. Knoxley Atu called on all Malaitans to reflect on and cherish the Malaita journey that brought Malaita people into 2025 and the situation they faced now and look forward to the opportunities and challenges ahead with renewed hope and determination.

President Malaita Council of Chief (Mr Knoxley Atu: New Year (2025) Message and call on Malaitans to vigilant, Unite and work hard

Auki, Malaita Province-President of Malaita council of chief Mr. Knoxley Atu called on all Malaitans to reflect on and cherish the Malaita journey that brought Malaita people into 2025 and the situation they faced now and look forward to the opportunities and challenges ahead with renewed hope and determination.

First, I would like to acknowledge Malaitans for a peaceful celebration over the Christmas season and new year. As Malaita people it is important we maintain the key fabric of our traditional society and continue to live in harmony, a valuable product that we did not pay for. 

Also, as the president Malaita Council of Chief that led people from the six sub-regions (Central, South, North, East and Malaita Outer Islands) within Malaita, I would like tocongratulate Malaita provincial government for milestones we've achieved in 2024 at the government level. At the same time, I would like to congratulate individual Malaitans whom they work hard and achieved goals in service, business, sports, as farmers and other works of life both in Auki, Honiara, around the country and other parts of the world. As Malaitans whom we often seen things together, I would like to convey that your individual achievement is every Malaitan’s pride. 

In the recent days, the Malaita Council of chief had observed there is a huge influx of Malaita into Honiara through Auki. I understand that similar travels were made from other parts of Malaita direct to Honiara. With regards of travelling to Malaita, I would like to encourage and ask the good people of Malaita to think properly about decisions our decisions to travel to Honiara. I would like to encourage Malaitans that if you have nothing much to do in Malaita, please remain in our province and utilize our resources in agriculture and other areas to sustain yourself, family and the province. Similarly, I would like call on the national government and provincial government to continue work hard so that the growing population of Malaita can be sustain for prosperity of Malaita and the Solomon Islands as a nation. 

On this same note, I would like to all the development partners of Solomon Islands who are currently implementing development activities in Malaita for benefit of Malaita. On behave of Malaita Council, I would like to thank Japan, Australia, USA, New Zealand, and China for representing their people in helping Malaitans and Solomon Islanders in Malaita. Similarly, the Malaita Council of Chief would like to thank many foreign nationals including Solomon Islanders from other province who work in construction, NGOs, medical, whole sale and retailors, service industry, extractive industry and religion space in Malaita. I would like to ask Malaitans to continue to show Malaita culture of respect to our partners who served us and support them in any way needed. At same I would like call on foreigners and locals from other provinces to understand way people in Malaita live and adapt so that we all can live in harmony. For those who involved in business especially extractive industry, I would like to ask you to comply with SI and provincial law, and make sure your investment is safe and sustainable for Malaitans in particular the resource owners. 

May year 2025 bring peace, prosperity, and growth to us all. Let us work together to build a brighter future for Malaitans and Solomon Islanders, support one anoth