Solomon Islands National Youth Congress and Malaita Provincial Government Sign MOU Partnership for Youth Economic and Climate Action Project

Solomon Islands National Youth Congress and Malaita Provincial Government Sign  MOU Partnership for Youth Economic and Climate Action Project
PS of Malaita Provincial Government and Chairman of SINYC Harry James Olikwailafa signing the MOU

On Monday Solomon Islands National Youth Congress (SINYC) and the Malaita Youth Council met with the Malaita Provincial Government to solidify their partnership on the Youth Economic and Climate Action (YECA) Project and official signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the YECA Project.

Youth Economic and Climate Action (YECA) is funded by Plan International Ireland supported by EU Commision through Plan International Pacific Solomkn Islands and implemented by Solomon islands National Youth Congress.

The YECA initiative will be piloted in three communities in Malaita: Oibola Community in Langalanga, Namosalabe Community in Central Kwara’ae, and Adakwa Community in East Malaita.

Harry James Olikwailafia, Chairman of the Solomon Islands National Youth Congress, expressed excitement about the partnership and its potential positive impact on young people in Malaita Province. He noted that the goals of the YECA Project align with key policy outcomes, including:

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of youth to drive economic growth through climate-smart agriculture, enhance access to entrepreneurial opportunities, and increase youth participation in building resilience to climate change.

PS George Erick with Youth Representatives from SINYC, Malaita Youth Desk and MPYC who attend to witness the MOU signing

Richard Olita, who is coordinating the YECA project in Malaita, stated that his team is now preparing to visit the pilot communities to meet with youth groups and begin implementing the project.

Phillip, President of the Malaita Provincial Youth Council, expressed gratitude to the Solomon Islands National Youth Congress for selecting Malaita Province for this initiative. He also thanked Plan International for funding this important project for the youth in Malaita Province.


Source: SINYC media